
Thanks for joining the Patient Experience Digital Series!

Now more than ever, empathy and innovation are critical components during this unprecedented time in healthcare. Cleveland Clinic and HIMSS recognize the imperative need to unite healthcare leaders, and explore the pivotal patient experiences and clinical considerations around the role technology plays in advancing the empathetic care experience.

Every month, tune in to the live-streamed episodes, discuss timely topics, message fellow attendees and speakers, and hear from leaders, caregivers and patients on the frontlines.


Log in at your leisure to revisit previous episodes and explore the full library of resources shaping a new era of the global patient experience movement.

calendaricon  Save the dates for this six-part digital series. Add future episodes to your calendar using the links below under "Calendar Reminders". All episodes are from 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM ET.

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Use the email you registered with to access the event. Get the latest event information, including the agenda, at empathyandinnovation.com. If you have questions regarding registration, contact registration@himssmedia.com

Calendar Reminders
  • Jan. 12, 2021 – Patient Experience Digital Series (Episode 3)
  • Feb. 11, 2021 – Patient Experience Digital Series (Episode 4)
  • Mar. 11, 2021 – Patient Experience Digital Series (Episode 5)
  • Apr. 8, 2021 – Patient Experience Digital Series (Episode 6)
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